Virtual Reality Keyboard
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 63531__florian-reinke__click1.wavAudio clip that is played on key press in example scenes.
 KeyboardBehaviourEditor.csCustom Unity Inspector panel for "KeyboardBehaviour".
 RoundedRectEditor.csCustom Unity Inspector panel for "RoundedRect".
 VRKB_Oculus_Example.unitypackageExample VRKB scene using the Oculus SDK. Double-click to unpack.
 VRKB_SteamVR1_Example.unitypackageExample VRKB scene using the SteamVR 1.0 SDK. Double-click to unpack.
 VRKB_SteamVR2_Example.unitypackageExample VRKB scene using the SteamVR 2.0 SDK. Double-click to unpack.
 InputFieldBackgroundMaterial.matMaterial for the background of the keyboard input area.
 KeyboardBackplateMaterial.matMaterial used for keyboard backplate.
 KeyLabelMaterial_LiberationSansSDF.matTextMesh Pro material used for the labels on the keys.
 PressedKeyMaterial.matMaterial used for a key when it is pressed down.
 UnpressedKeyMaterial.matMaterial used for a key in its default (unpressed) state.
 AudioManagerPrefab.prefabPrefab that manages sound settings in the example scenes.
 HelloCanvasPrefab.prefabPrefab for "Hello, World!" canvas used in example scenes.
 1.5xKeyPrefab.prefabPrefab for 1.5-unit-wide modifier key (e.g. Shift key).
 1xKeyPrefab.prefabPrefab for a 1-unit-wide keyboard key.
 KeyboardPrefab.prefabPrefab for the default VRKB keyboard.
 MalletPrefab.prefabPrefab for the mallet(s) that are used to strike the keyboard keys.
 SpacebarPrefab.prefabPrefab for the Spacebar key.
  ImagesThe image files for the icons on the VRKB keyboard.
 KeyBehaviour.csManages settings for a single key. Detects collisions with mallets and calls KeyPress method on parent keyboard (KeyboardBehaviour).
 KeyboardBehaviour.csManages keyboard-wide settings. Parses JSON config file and propagates settings to individual keys (KeyBehaviour objects).
 MalletBehaviour.csImplement configurable handle length and head radius for the mallets.
 Action.csRepresents the type of action to perform on key press (e.g. "output", "cancel", "confirm"), and an associated argument for that action (if any).
 ColorDictionary.csMaps color names to corresponding Unity Color objects.
 KeyboardConfig.csSimple query interface for the JSON config file.
 KeyConfig.csRepresents settings for a single key (e.g. "output", "label").
 OnCancelEvent.csStores callbacks to invoke when the user presses the "cancel" key (e.g. red "X" button).
 OnConfirmEvent.csStores callbacks to invoke when the user presses the "confirm" key (e.g. green checkmark key).
 OnKeyPressEvent.csStores callbacks to invoke every time the user presses a key.
 HelloCanvasBehaviour.csCanvas that displays a greeting message, which is used in Oculus/SteamVR example scenes.
 LinearLayoutBehaviour.csPositions child game objects at equal distances along a chosen axis (X, Y, or Z).
 RoundedRect.csProcedural mesh for a cube with rounded corners. (Used for keyboard keys.)
 Doxygen.csSupplementary Doxygen documentation for landing page and non-source-code files.